Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's Hot And My Knee Is Swelling

....both in a weird way seem pretty familiar and comfortable. During last years bike trip my knee swelled up for the first few days too. It's mid July in central OR high desert so it should be surprise on that one. I got a pretty late start out of Portland Wed so only made 58 miles, pretty much uphill and spent the night in Government Camp at the Ski Patrol building. Government Camp is a small town (growing quickly) that caters to adrenaline junkies on Mt July and August is the only spot in the northern hemisphere hosting ski/board camps. The Norwegian team was in town. Being familiar with Government Camp I stayed at Charlies at bit too long and woke up with a headache. I'm now having lunch in Warm Springs so rode about 50 miles so far today. Warm Springs has what looks to be a really interesting museum on the three local Indian tribes that got shafted pretty bad. I'm going to go check it out after lunch and finishing this post...the Indians are letting me us their PC. Pretty cool actually I'm sitting in a computer lab full of Indians checking there email, internet, and playing games. --Bill


Rick S said...

Glad to heart you made it out of Portland unscathed. I saw on the news a biker on the hood of a car speeding down the street. A bit of road rage by the driver and he ran down the biker. Tuff town!

Rick S

Unknown said...

Bill, don't use the blanket that they gave you.....I'm pretty sure you'll die from smallpox.

Brian T said...

I believe those are "Native Americans"...unless you've gone off course already and are now in Mumbai.
